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Our fathers among the Saints Ignatius, Innocent and Theophan, pray unto God for us!

Святители Игнатий Кавказский, Феофан Вышенский затворник и Иннокентий Херсонский

On October15/ 28, 2017, during the Vigil, the Second Holy Sobor of the Russian True Orthodox Church glorified Bishops Ignatius of the Caucasus (Brianchaninov), Theophan (Govorov) the Recluse and Innocent (Borisov) of Kherson as saints. The icon of the three Holy Hierarchs was written by a participant of the Sobor, Deacon Peter Dziuba (Worcester, USA). During the Polyeleos, the icon was solemnly carried out of the Altar and placed on an analogion in the center of the Temple decorated with white flowers. The newly written icon was then unveiled, and the high arches of the Azov Temple were filled with the thunderous glorification of these great intercessors for salvation of their flock before the Throne of the Almighty. The First Hierarch of the RTOC, Archbishop Tikhon said that the glorification of these saints: Hierarchs Ignatius, Theophan and Innocent was a timely act of the Holy Sobor, as all of them are standing at the Throne of God not only for their personal acts (podvigs) and firm standing in the Truth, but for their hierarchical words, which teach us to live in Christ and to be faithful to the Word of God.

Their books are close to us not only in time, but also they are a sure guide to salvation of the soul in our apostate time, full of heresies and schisms. Through the prayers of our Spirit-bearing fathers, the Holy Hierarchs Theophan, Ignatius and Innocent, may God have mercy on all who love Him and may He establish His Church, which He bought with His blood (irmos of the third ode of the Matins Canon for the Meeting of the Lord).

Church Life. Periodicals of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian True Orthodox Church.
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